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Player Code of Conduct


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SOPFC league players showing good sportsmanship near referee


Our Code of Conduct isn't just something a lawyer told us to put up, it's the core of our club ethos. We take it very seriously (and ask that you do the same!) in order to preserve all the good vibes at the field.


As part of our mission to make soccer accessible for the entire community by fostering a shared passion for the sport, SOPFC seeks to promote competition and athleticism through sportsmanship, inclusiveness, and fair play. All of our activities offered should be played with good sportsmanship at all times.


Although competition may become intense, we expect our participants to be competitive while practicing good sportsmanship. Sports are filled with competition, interpretations, and judgment calls, and as a result, disputes between players and/or officials may occur from time to time. However, it is imperative that participants respect and handle all disputes that may occur in a civilized manner.


"As a participant in any SOPFC league, pickup, tournament, or event, I pledge to be responsible for my words and actions and shall abide by the following Code of Conduct:


I will:


  • Respect the game, play fairly, and follow all League Rules and guidelines.
  • Accept the decisions of SOPFC staff and officials with good grace.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship before, during, and after games to both opponents and all SOPFC staff and officials, whether my team wins or loses.
  • Be responsible for the sportsmanship of my teammates and assist in maintaining a respectful environment for all participants.
  • Be courteous to opposing teams, officials, staff, and coordinators, and treat all with respect.
  • Help to maintain and keep all equipment and conditions at the game location I play at in good condition.
  • Respect the privilege of using the game locations (we are invited guests at school fields), including obeying all rules, caring for and respecting all equipment, common areas, parking areas, and surrounding neighborhoods.
  • Refrain from the use of abusive language or profanity.
  • Not engage in any behavior that would endanger the health, safety, or mental/physical well-being of any player, official, or staff member.
  • Not engage in verbal, written, or physical threats or abuse aimed at any player, official, or staff member.
  • Not initiate a fight with any participant, official, or staff member, including, but not limited to pushing, shoving, punching, etc or any attempt at such actions.
  • Not use or possess alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs at any location.
  • Wear/use all required and/or issued equipment and/or uniforms.


I understand that any behavior deemed unacceptable by SOPFC may result in ejection and/or suspension from a game, a league, a program, the club, or any club platform for an indefinite amount of time. SOPFC reserves the right to remove a player from a game, a league, the club, or any club platform if they are considered to be displaying poor sportsmanship contrary to the Code of Conduct. I will respect and abide by any decisions made by on-site SOPFC officials."


Any disputes or issues you may have with a rule, player, team, or staff member should be brought immediately to the attention of SOPFC's Organizer team via email to info@sonsofpitchesfc.com.