Team Sponsorship Template

Pitch local businesses to support your team!


Home » Leagues » Captains Guide » Team Sponsorship Template


Captains or team managers can use this email template to pitch businesses on the benefits of sponsoring their teams. Many teams in our soccer leagues are able to have all or part of each season's dues paid by local bars, restaurants, or businesses by securing sponsorship, in exchange for things like:


  1. Agreeing to have post-game social gatherings at their establishment
  2. Naming their team after the establishment
  3. Wearing jerseys with the business's logo/name


We encourage our Captains to approach and make friends with local bars and restaurants in order to simultaneously defray the costs of team dues and support local community businesses.







My teammates and I had a great time at [BUSINESS NAME] recently, and I wanted to follow up and get you more info about our soccer team and express our sincere interest in partnering.


[TEAM NAME], a local adult soccer team, is looking to partner with a community sponsor for help with team fees and jersey costs for our seasons this year. Our team is a well-organized group of players who want to play for an establishment where we can hang out after games as a team, as well as host our social outings.


We play in Atlanta’s largest adult soccer league, Sons of Pitches FC (, who organize 3,000+ soccer players and hundreds of local teams every 9-week season for games across the intown area. SOPFC is a grassroots club that has earned the Coca-Cola "Community Partner of the Year" award from Atlanta Public Schools.


As part of a partnership, we will mention and tag you whenever possible on our social media content. SOPFC frequently reshares team content on their social media as well, giving you all an opportunity to reach over 4,000 followers thru their Instagram alone (


If this sounds like an opportunity you’re interested in, I’m happy to call or meet up to talk about it!


Please let me know a good phone number to reach you or time to stop by.


Look forward to talking with you soon.

